

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022

For every entrepreneurs movie is most important source of getting inspiration and motivation. Most importantly some movies give you wisdom to decide what to do in life and what no to do. If you are an entrepreneur or you have already established business then a great movie can help you enormously in many ways.
Here are Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022.

1) The Social Network

top 15 best movies every entrepreneurs should watch in 2022
movies for entrepreneurs

In 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer genius Mark Zuckerberg begins work on a new concept that eventually turns into the global social network known as Facebook . Six years later, he is one of the youngest billionaires ever. The social network is all about how Mark Zuckerberg as a Harvard student creates the social networking site that would become known as Facebook, he is sued by the twins who claimed he stole their idea.

Why this film? It offers you the journey of Facebook, how Facebook began and reminds you that big companies often have small beginning.

2) The Founder

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022

The Founder is The true story of Ray Kroc, a struggling salesman from Illinois, met two brothers, who were running a burger operation in 1950. Kroc was impressed by the brothers’ speedy system of making the food and saw franchise potential. Kroc soon turned two brothers’ innovative fast-food eatery, McDonald’s, into the biggest restaurant business in the world, with a combination of ambition, persistence, and ruthlessness.

Why this film? The film tells the true story of how Ray Krock a struggling salesman transformed Mcdonald’s into a global franchise, making it the most successful fast-food company in the world. The theme of the founder is, a simultaneous celebration of ambition, innovation and entrepreneurship, while a cautionary tale of greed, hypocrisy and broken promises.

3) Moneyball

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022

Moneyball by Michael Lewis, about the Oakland Athletics baseball team and its general manager Billy Beane. Its focus is the team’s analytical, evidence-based, sabermetric approach to assembling a competitive baseball team despite Oakland’s small budget.

Why this film? This film shows us (1) Listening Opens up New Possibilities. (2) Understand the Gap Between Perception & Reality. (3) Seek Criticism to Understand Reality. (4) Simplify Complexity. (5) Be Responsive to Change. (6) Be Ready for Rejections. (7) Focus on Winning the Last Game, Not Making Records. (8) Always be Ready to Learn & Improve.

4) The Pursuit Of Happyness

movie for entrepreneurs

The pursuit of Happyness is inspired by the true story of Chris Gardner, a San Francisco salesman struggling to build a future for himself and his 5-year -old son Christopher. When his girlfriend Linda walks out, Chris is left to raise Christopher on his own. Chris’ determination finally pays off when he lands an unpaid internship in a brutally competitive stockbroker-training program, where only one in twenty interns will make the cut. But without a salary, Chris and his son are evicted from their apartment and are forced to sleep on the streets, in homeless shelters and even behind the locked doors of a metro station bathroom. With self-confidence and the love and trust of his son, Chris Gardner rises above his obstacles to become a Wall Street legend.

Why this film? The biggest lesson to take away from the inspirational movie The Pursuit of Happyness can be summarized in one word: Grit! Having a dream is not enough, you need the courage and resolve to pursue it.

5) The Wolf Of Wall Street

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022

The Wolf of Wall Street is based on the true story of Jordan Belfort. It follows his rise and fall as an entrepreneur, and shows how his firm Stratton Oakmont engaged in penny stock trading and securities scam, drawing the attention of the FBI.

Why this film? the biggest lesson an entrepreneur can learn from The Wolf of Wall Street is that dreams are the sparks for business. And when you start looking for ways to make your dreams come true, use sound, honest, and responsible ways to make that happen.

6) The New Hustle

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022

The New Hustle is a documentary that covers three of Australia’s fastest growing star-tup Vinomofo, safteyCulture and Canva. This movie covers the personal journeys of the founders as they develop and iterate on their idea, attempt to bring it to market, raise capital, and face countless challenges along the way. This movie show you that how a founder start a start-up from garage and become million dollars company.

Why this film? the biggest lesson an entrepreneur can learn from the new hustle is that starting a business is the most brutal and hardest thing to ever accomplish. When is comes to starting a start-up most people don’t have the persistency and the drive to continue because it’s so damn hard to start a start-up. When you start a business be prepared to fail. Failure is part of the innovation game. Keep failing till you get it right.

7) Steve Jobs

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022

Steve Jobs is a 2015 biographical drama film, it was adapted from the 2011 biography by Walter Isaacson and interviews conducted by Sorkin, and covers 14 years ( 1984-1998 ) in the life of Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs. This film show you that how steve jobs a renowned businessman faces problems in his personal and professional life while trying to launch there product in the market.

Why this film? This film talk about courage and the brave heart that you need to have in order to see your dream come true.

8) Joy

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022

A story of a family across four generations, centred on the girl who becomes the woman who founds a business dynasty and becomes a matriarch in her own right. Facing betrayal, treachery, the loss of innocence and the scars of love, Joy becomes a true boss of family and enterprise in a world of unforgiving commerce.

9) Pirates Of Silicon Valley

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022

This is a semi-humorous biographical film about the men who made the world of technology what it is today, their struggles during college, the founding of their companies, and the ingenious actions they took to build up the global corporate empires of Apple Computer Corporation and Microsoft Inc.

10) Fyre : The Greatest Party That Never Happened

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022

Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened is a 2019 American documentary film about Billy McFarland and the failed fyre Festival of 2017. It was directed by Chris Smith, and produced by Danny Gabai and Mick Purzycki and was released on Netflix on January 18, 2019.

11) The Greatest Showman

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022

The greatest showman a musical drama film is based on the life and times of 19th century showman PT Barnum. The greatest showman is about how PT Barnum becomes a worldwide sensation in the show business. His imagination and innovative ideas take him to the top of his game.

12) Wall Street

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022

Wall Street is a 1987 American drama film, directed and co-written by Oliver Stone. The film tells the story of Bud Fox, a young stockbroker who becomes involved with Gordon Gekko, a wealthy, unscrupulous corporate raider.

13) Startup.Com

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022 is a 2001 American documentary film. is about GovWork.Com, a Startup tech company. The company raised 60 million us dollars from various venture capitals and was thought to become a million dollars business. The film is a roller-coaster of excitement, exhaustion, betrayal, success, and failure. Overall, it’s a great movie if you’re interested in learning more about the craziness that is involved in running a start-up. Here is how you can apply the movie’s lessons to your team.

14) Office Space

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022

Office Space is a 1999 American comedy film written and directed by Mike judge. In this movie peter, a software engineer is tired of his boring job and makes a plan with two of his to plant a virus in his company’s system. Office Space is one of the greatest films ever made. This film has everything a great film needs: A great story, great acting, great jokes, great soundtrack, great everything.

15) Catch Me If You Can

Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022

Catch me if you can is a 2002 american biographical crime comedy drama film directed and produced by steven Spielberg. This film story is based on frank Abagnale. Who claims that before his 19th birthday he successfully performed cons worth of millions of dollars by posing as a pan American world airway pilot, a doctor and a louisiana parish prosecutor. The truth pf his story is questionable.

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