

5 Must Read Biographies For Every Entrepreneur

For any entrepreneur, a biography is a most important source of getting inspiration, knowledge and clarity. Most importantly, a biography of any successful people of any field gives a wisdom to decide what to do in life and what not to do. In business, if you are an entrepreneur or want to become an entrepreneur or you have an already establish business then a biography can help you enormously in many ways.

All you have to do is to pickup the biographies of successful entrepreneurs who have achieved a certain level of success related to your field. For example, if you are a tech company then you can read the biography of founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg. And after picking up the book, the next step is start reading. While you are reading, you have to make sure that you are relating to that book. And then you have to think that what are things of that book you can use in your life. Thats it.

“The most important benefit of a biography is that it can give you the mindset of a successful people.”

Here in this blog, you will come to know about the 5 must read biographies for every entrepreneur. These 5 books are the best books for every entrepreneur. Whatever is your circumstances, these books will change your life.

Let’s start the list….

1) Steve Jobs – by Walter Isaacson

5 Must Read Biographies For Every Entrepreneur

The first book is the biography of one of the great and charismatic entrepreneur of world history, the founder of world’s biggest brand Apple, Steve Jobs. He was the man who teaches the world to think differently. In this book, you will get the complete journey of him. From a tech enthusiast to the founder of world’s top leading brand Apple. This book will give you the perfect example of the saying that whatever happened, happened for a good reason. And this fact was describe by the Steve Jobs through a quote.

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; You can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

– Steve Jobs

This book will give you many insights. After reading this you will get a blue print of success. You will also know the role of SPIRITUALITY in life and many more things. Atleast read this book once.Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Futureby Ashlee Vance

2) Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance

5 Must Read Biographies For Every Entrepreneur

The second book of the list is the biography of the man with a great vision. The man who changes the world non other than Elon Musk. He is the founder, CEO & Chief engineer at SpaceX; CEO & product architect of Tesla Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; and co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI. According to Forbes and Bloomberg Billionaires Index, he is the wealthiest person in the world with the estimated networth US$262 billion as of September 10, 2022.

Here is the thing, we can shock on the achievement of him or we can ask a question how did he do all this? This man is a role model of almost every entrepreneur. In this book, you will get all the answers of what does it take to become successful in business and life. It is one of the best book for every entrepreneur. This book will teach you how to deal with failures.

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

– Elon Musk

One thing is confirm that after reading this book you will get the road map of dealing with any kind of problems. Being an entrepreneur, I will suggest every entrepreneur to read this book atleast once.

3) Bill Gates: A Biography by Michael B. Becraft

5 Must Read Biographies For Every Entrepreneur

This man does not need any introduction. Already the whole world know this man. The man with great vision non other than Bill Gates, the founder of one of the biggest brand MICROSOFT . He is a American businessman, software developer, investor, author and philanthropist. According to forbes, he is currently the 5th richest person in the world With the net worth of US$105 billion. This book will give you an outstanding wisdom to grow in life. It will give you the road map to success.

“If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor it’s your mistake.”

– Bill Gates

Many people say that Bill Gates was lucky that’s why he achieved all the success. But here I would take your attention to the fact, no one can do anything without taking decisions. So, the conclusion is, with only luck there can nothing be achieve. Yes, luck has a role in success but very very small percentage. So start taking actions.

This book is the best book for every entrepreneur who wants to start something in tech field. The Personality of Bill Gates is an inspiration for every individual whether you are an entrepreneur or not. For your information, Bill Gates is among one of the persons who spends most of there time reading books. Give your time to read valuable books. Read this book atleast once. It will worth your time.

4) The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by Brad Stone

5 Must Read Biographies For Every Entrepreneur

This book is a biography of Jeff Bezos. He is an American entrepreneur, investor, computer engineer, and commercial astronaut. He is the man who founded Amazon. I can guess that almost everyone knows Amazon. According to Bloomberg’s Billionaire Index and Forbes, Jeff Bezos is currently the world’s second wealthiest person with the net worth of US$136 billion. This man is an role model of every entrepreneurs. He not just founded Amazon, he is also the founder of Blue Origin and Bezos Expeditions. He is an perfect example of believe in what you are doing. He started his company Amazon by just the concept of selling books online. And it is currently world’s largest online sales company, largest internet

5) Mark Zuckerberg: A Biography of the Facebook Billionaire by Eric Jones

5 Must Read Biographies For Every Entrepreneur

I hope, everyone of you and almost everyone in this world have an Facebook account. But, do you know who owns Facebook and who is the founder of Facebook? The man who founded one of the world’s leading tech company Facebook (Now Meta) is Mark Zuckerberg. He is among the world’s most visionary person. For your information, Facebook is world’s largest social networking site. When he was in college, with his friends he created the site. And with the help of his entrepreneurship skills, he made his site world’s largest social networking site.

In this book you will clearly know what are most important things to be successful in life. After reading his biography, one thing is confirm that you will loose your fear of taking risk in life. I’m famous quote he said….

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk.”

– Mark Zuckerberg

And this book is highly recommend if your are a teenager and if you have a desire to start your own business in future. Read this book. To be successful you to take action now.

At the end of this blog, I am going to share the Book Buying Suggestions (BBC). Read it carefully.

Book Buying Suggestions (BBS) :-

(a) Check the name of writer.

(b) You can buy it from any physical store. If you are not able to afford the
new book, you can also buy a second hand book.

(c)You can also buy it from any online store like Amazon or FlipKart.

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  1. Pingback: Top 15 Best Movies Every Entrepreneurs Should Watch In 2022 - Vedaon

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